Thursday, October 17, 2013

Letterland Thursday......Fireman Fred and Golden Girl

It's Letterland Thursday
I am behind one week so I am going to combine two of my favorites that actually are in order to come up anyway....
so let's meet
Firefighter Fred and Golden Girl
This is Firefighter Fred, formally known as Fireman Fred.  I have always known him as Fireman Fred, so referring to him as Firefighter Fred will be a challenge.  Firefighter Fred puts out fires with foam.  Whenever I hear his name I always think of a cheer that we used.....
"Fireman" oh wait that is not right
"Firefighter Fred, Firefighter Fred
fa fa fa (making the letter sound)
Firefighter Fred, Firefighter Fred
f  f   f (saying the letter).
While you say the sound of the letter you pretend to put out a fire with a hose. let's meet
Golden Girl
Another favorite of mine....Golden Girl has long golden hair that she braids.  She loves to swing and the color green.  Her chant is another all time favorite....because I love to do the motions and the kids always love it (especially the girls).
"Golden Girl, Golden Girl
ga ga ga (make the letter sound)
Golden Girl, Golden Girl
g g g (say the letter)"
Whenever you say her name...Golden Girl
you take your hand and pretend you are stroking your long beautiful golden hair.  I always said it as girly as I could because the kids loved it and we would always laugh. 
Have a great day

Monday, October 14, 2013

Math Monday......Pumpkins

Math Monday.......Pumpkins
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this time of year and all of the fun things you can do?  Well, I do and there are SO much to incorporate into learning.
Today, in Math Monday we are going to be using pumpkins.
You can do so many things with pumpkins for math (and science and reading and just so many other things). Below I will give you some ideas of how you can incorporate them into your math lessons.
Have each student bring in a pumpkin.....various sizes and shapes encouraged.
Weight and Measurement
Bring out the measuring tapes.....introduce what a measuring tape is and how to use it.  Let your students measure their pumpkin in height and width.....even measure the stem (if there is one).  They can measure their own or have a center set up with many pumpkins so they can measure more than one.  You can create a worksheet to compare and graph (I don't have one right now, if I get time later  I will create one and add it to my blog). 
You don't have to use measuring tapes.....use Lego's or paper clips or how about all three to compare measurements.
Line them up for a pumpkin parade.....shortest to tallest
Adding and Subtracting
Cut one or two of the pumpkins up and get the seeds out......use the seeds for adding and subtracting....(another worksheet I will be working on). 
Sorting and Graphing
Have the students sort the pumpkins by size, color and shape.
Graph your results
All of these activities can be used as whole group, centers or as individual work.
Look for the worksheets to go with these activities later on. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Crafting Friday....October Add On week 2


Apologies for a delayed Crafting Friday....which has turned into a Crafting Saturday. 
This week we are going to "Add On" to our October Bulletin Board with some corn stalks.  The picture above shows an idea of how it could look to add on to from week one.  My drawings are not that well. 
For the stalks you can take recycled brown paper and roll it up into stalks and staple onto your board.  You will not need much....just roll lengthwise and crumble.  Have your students work on their "corn" to put onto the husks. 
Below are a few pictures that you should be able to save and print off to use. 
Color or tear tissue paper for this one
 You could have them use Q-tips to paint this one
Indian Corn would look great on the board
  If you would rather use this for your, copy and enlarge


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Letterland Thursday.....Eddy Elephant

Letterland Thursday
Today for Letterland Thursday we meet
Eddy Elephant

Isn't Eddy just the cutest elephant ever? 
Watch his video here