Monday, September 30, 2013

Math Monday....Acorn Math

Math Monday
Acorn Math
What a great "free" and natural manipulative to use for math......
acorns.  This time of year, fall, is that right time to collect and do acorn math.  Not only are they good for math but for other areas of your day in learning. 
Have your students bring in acorns and take them for a nature walk around your school to collect them too. 
Sorting is a good math activity for students, plus it can help you to stay organized at the same time.  Have various containers or a number of the same type of container (baggies, or plastic bins).  I would do three containers and label them
Small        Medium      Large
Have the students sort their acorns that they collected or brought from home into one of the three containers. 
You will need to prepare some number cards for these.  They can be on index cards if you would like.  On each index card write a number between 1-10 (you can include zero if you would wish).  Make sure to write the number and the word (number).  You will also need to write one of the three words....small, medium or large on the card.  You will want to go over these words (small starts with the letter s etc).  If you think this would be to much for some of your students you could omit the words and just use one bin of acorns and just use the numbers for them to count.
Another idea for counting:
I found this on Pinterest
How cute is this?  Each squirrel has a number on it.  The students have to give the squirrel that many of acorns in his cup. 

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