Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letterland Thursday 8-29-13

Letterland Thursday
Come along with me each Thursday as we take a visit to Letterland!
What is Letterland?
Letterland is a unique, phonics-based approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling.. The Letterland characters transform plain black letter shapes into child-friendly pictures and they all live in an imaginary place called Letterland.
Simple stories about the Letterland characters, explain the full range of dry phonics facts so that children are motivated to listen, to think and to learn. These stories explain letter sounds & shapes, allowing children to progress quickly to word building, reading and writing.

Who are the characters?
Here is a list of the new (and old) characters
LetterNew Letterland NameClassic Letterland Name
AAnnie Apple
BBouncy Ben
CClever Cat
DDippy Duck
EEddy Elephant
FFirefighter FredFireman Fred
GGolden Girl
HHarry Hat ManHairy Hat Man
IImpy Ink
JJumping Jim
KKicking King
LLucy Lamp LightLucy Lamp Lady
MMunching Mike
NNoisy NickNaughty Nick
OOscar Orange
PPeter PuppyPoor Peter
QQuarrelsome Queen
RRed Robot [New Character]Robber Red [Old Character and Former Character]
SSammy Snake
TTalking TessTicking Tess (formerly Ticking Tom)
UUppy Umbrella
VVicky Violet [New Character]Vase of Violets [Still appears in the later series alongside Vicky Violet]
WWalter Walrus [Wicked Water Witch now in the form of a Walrus known as Walter]Wicked Water Witch [Old and Former Character]
XFix-it Max [Just Max on his own as Maxine is not always around to be with Max]Max and Maxine - Kissing Cousins - as it was in the 1990s
YYellow Yo-Yo Man
ZZig-Zag Zebra

Next Thursday we will start learning about each character. 

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