What's the style in Kindergarten?
Most of the time at this age parents are still picking out what their child/ren will be wearing to school. We always want our children to be well dressed and neat, especially when going to school. So, what are you dressing your child in for kindergarten?
Here are some tips on what to think about before sending your little one off to school in that designer outfit.
These are ONLY suggestions expressed from experience.
Always check with your teachers first on what dress code your school has.
There are so many options these days.....too many cute things to dress our little ones in. It is easy to pick out those cute little frilly things without even thinking (guilty). Since we are picking out the clothes, we want to keep in mind what works best for our child (who will be wearing it).
Things to ask yourself before putting them in those outfits.
1. Is it weather appropriate? Check the weather every morning to see what weather appropriate outfit you will be putting your child in. You don't want to dress the in a sweatshirt and jeans if the humidity is up and the temp is going to be in the 80's.
2. Is the material ok? Is your child comfortable in the outfit for a 6-8 hour day. Are there any "itchies" that are on the outfit that will bother them? Does it make them scratch or wiggle?
3. Fasteners? If the pants, dress or whatever they are wearing will need to be undone to use the restroom, can they do it? Most teachers will certainly help your child with this (I hope anyway). You want them to feel confident, so make sure if there are fasteners they need to deal with that you show them how and continue to practice. Many times students will feel embarrassed and not ask for help and refuse to go to the restroom, causing accidents.
4. Does it fit? Being a mom, I know the value of buying something that is going to last. Make sure the outfit is not so big or so small that it makes the child uncomfortable. You do not want the clothes to be painful to them when they sit and play or do you want them to hang to loose, which can cause a tripping hazard .
5. What shoes are the best? Plain and simple tennis shoes are the best for school!! Most students have PE (physical education) and play on the playground on a daily basis. Tennis shoes are the most comfortable and safe option for these activities. Many teachers will help students tie shoes (or I hope they will). There are some teachers who will put a deadline on how long they will help them. Tying shoes are a big deal. It can be tricky for little fingers. This is something that you should start practicing daily.
Remember to talk to your child's teachers if you have any questions. Some teachers will allow students to change shoes before PE and outside time. Just remember that this takes time away from your child's learning.
*A few tips*
Pack an extra bag of clothes for your child in case of accidents. Include in that bag: shirt, pants, socks, and underwear. You may want to change this bag out during the different seasons.
Coats don't always make it back home, so make sure you write your child's name inside on the label. Tell your child to remember their coat at the end of the school day.
For the girls: Cute hair bows often do not stay in (either by choice or not). Instruct your child to ask the teacher for help if they cannot get it back in. If they choose to not put it back in the teachers may have them put it in their book bag or cubbie to bring home.
Again, these are only suggestions of experiences that I have. |
The jacket and two outfits you can find on
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