When you have a classroom with 18 to 22 (or more) students it can be difficult to learn everyone's name quickly. Putting a face to the name makes it easier as well as lots of practice. If learning the students names can be difficult, imagine how it is for the little ones.
There are many fun games you can play with your students the first week of school to help them (and you) to learn the names of their new friends.
1. "It's for you": You will need a play phone for this game. Have students sit in a circle. Make a "ringing sound" if you don't have a play phone that automatically does it. Answer the phone and pretend someone is asking for one of your students. Hold the phone in front of you and say...."It's for_______!! When the student hears there name called they stand up. Then it's there turn to answer the phone and pick a friends name to say "It's for ________.
2. "I'm looking for": Either have students stay at their desk or sit in a circle. Teacher asks: "I'm looking for ________". Student stands up and says "I'm ______". If student is shy they can just stand up.
3. Name Train: The leader starts in the center of a circle making train noises. The leader goes up to each student and says, “Hi, I’m ___” and shakes their hand. The kid responds with their name and the leader asks them to ‘hop on board!" – the student stands behind the leader with their hands on their shoulders making a train. With each introduction, the leader says over their shoulder “it’s ____!” and each ‘train car’( student) repeats it. The last ‘train car’ in line says ”hop on board ____!” Eventually the whole group is in on the train, and everyone has invited someone to hop on!
*Tip*....Take pictures at open house or the first day of school. Include all students and teachers name on your word wall with their pictures beside of the name. This helps students to identify faster.
These are just a few to get you started. There are many more online. If you have a favorite name game please share it in the comments below.
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