Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letterland Thursday 8-29-13

Letterland Thursday
Come along with me each Thursday as we take a visit to Letterland!
What is Letterland?
Letterland is a unique, phonics-based approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling.. The Letterland characters transform plain black letter shapes into child-friendly pictures and they all live in an imaginary place called Letterland.
Simple stories about the Letterland characters, explain the full range of dry phonics facts so that children are motivated to listen, to think and to learn. These stories explain letter sounds & shapes, allowing children to progress quickly to word building, reading and writing.

Who are the characters?
Here is a list of the new (and old) characters
LetterNew Letterland NameClassic Letterland Name
AAnnie Apple
BBouncy Ben
CClever Cat
DDippy Duck
EEddy Elephant
FFirefighter FredFireman Fred
GGolden Girl
HHarry Hat ManHairy Hat Man
IImpy Ink
JJumping Jim
KKicking King
LLucy Lamp LightLucy Lamp Lady
MMunching Mike
NNoisy NickNaughty Nick
OOscar Orange
PPeter PuppyPoor Peter
QQuarrelsome Queen
RRed Robot [New Character]Robber Red [Old Character and Former Character]
SSammy Snake
TTalking TessTicking Tess (formerly Ticking Tom)
UUppy Umbrella
VVicky Violet [New Character]Vase of Violets [Still appears in the later series alongside Vicky Violet]
WWalter Walrus [Wicked Water Witch now in the form of a Walrus known as Walter]Wicked Water Witch [Old and Former Character]
XFix-it Max [Just Max on his own as Maxine is not always around to be with Max]Max and Maxine - Kissing Cousins - as it was in the 1990s
YYellow Yo-Yo Man
ZZig-Zag Zebra

Next Thursday we will start learning about each character. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

First week of Kindergarten name games

When you have a classroom with 18 to 22 (or more) students it can be difficult to learn everyone's name quickly.  Putting a face to the name makes it easier as well as lots of practice.  If learning the students names can be difficult, imagine how it is for the little ones. 
There are many fun games you can play with your students the first week of school to help them (and you) to learn the names of their new friends.
1.  "It's for you":  You will need a play phone for this game.  Have students sit in a circle.  Make a "ringing sound" if you don't have a play phone that automatically does it.  Answer the phone and pretend someone is asking for one of your students.  Hold the phone in front of you and say...."It's for_______!!  When the student hears there name called they stand up.  Then it's there turn to answer the phone and pick a friends name to say "It's for ________. 
2.  "I'm looking for":  Either have students stay at their desk or sit in a circle.  Teacher asks: "I'm looking for ________".  Student stands up and says "I'm ______".  If student is shy they can just stand up.
3.  Name Train:  The leader starts in the center of a circle making train noises. The leader goes up to each student and says, “Hi, I’m ___” and shakes their hand. The kid responds with their name and the leader asks them to ‘hop on board!" – the student stands behind the leader with their hands on their shoulders making a train. With each introduction, the leader says over their shoulder “it’s ____!” and each ‘train car’( student) repeats it. The last ‘train car’ in line says ”hop on board ____!” Eventually the whole group is in on the train, and everyone has invited someone to hop on!
*Tip*....Take pictures at open house or the first day of school.  Include all students and teachers name on your word wall with their pictures beside of the name.  This helps students to identify faster.
These are just a few to get you started.  There are many more online.  If you have a favorite name game please share it in the comments below. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

What's stylish in Kindergarten

What's the style in Kindergarten?

Most of the time at this age parents are still picking out what their child/ren will be wearing to school.  We always want our children to be well dressed and neat, especially when going to school.  So, what are you dressing your child in for kindergarten? 

Here are some tips on what to think about before sending your little one off to school in that designer outfit.

These are ONLY suggestions expressed from experience.

Always check with your teachers first on what dress code your school has.

There are so many options these days.....too many cute things to dress our little ones in.  It is easy to pick out those cute little frilly things without even thinking (guilty).  Since we are picking out the clothes, we want to keep in mind what works best for our child (who will be wearing it).

Things to ask yourself before putting them in those outfits.

1.  Is it weather appropriate?  Check the weather every morning to see what weather appropriate outfit you will be putting your child in.  You don't want to dress the in a sweatshirt and jeans if the humidity is up and the temp is going to be in the 80's.

2.  Is the material ok?  Is your child comfortable in the outfit for a 6-8 hour day.  Are there any "itchies" that are on the outfit that will bother them?  Does it make them scratch or wiggle?

3.  Fasteners?  If the pants, dress or whatever they are wearing will need to be undone to use the restroom, can they do it?  Most teachers will certainly help your child with this (I hope anyway).  You want them to feel confident, so make sure if there are fasteners they need to deal with that you show them how and continue to practice.  Many times students will feel embarrassed and not ask for help and refuse to go to the restroom, causing accidents. 

4. Does it fit?  Being a mom, I know the value of buying something that is going to last.  Make sure the outfit is not so big or so small that it makes the child uncomfortable.  You do not want the clothes to be painful to them when they sit and play or do you want them to hang to loose, which can cause a tripping hazard . 

5.  What shoes are the best?  Plain and simple tennis shoes are the best for school!!  Most students have PE (physical education) and play on the playground on a daily basis.  Tennis shoes are the most comfortable and safe option for these activities.  Many teachers will help students tie shoes (or I hope they will).  There are some teachers who will put a deadline on how long they will help them.  Tying shoes are a big deal.  It can be tricky for little fingers.  This is something that you should start practicing daily. 

Remember to talk to your child's teachers if you have any questions.  Some teachers will allow students to change shoes before PE and outside time.  Just remember that this takes time away from your child's learning. 

*A few tips*
Pack an extra bag of clothes for your child in case of accidents.  Include in that bag: shirt, pants, socks, and underwear.  You may want to change this bag out during the different seasons.

Coats don't always make it back home, so make sure you write your child's name inside on the label.  Tell your child to remember their coat at the end of the school day. 

For the girls:  Cute hair bows often do not stay in (either by choice or not).  Instruct your child to ask the teacher for help if they cannot get it back in.  If they choose to not put it back in the teachers may have them put it in their book bag or cubbie to bring home. 

Again, these are only suggestions of experiences that I have. 

 The jacket and two outfits you can find on

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What to expect for Kindergarten open house

If you have never been to an open house you know what to expect or at least you think you do.  If this is your first time attending an open house for school this might help you prepare for what to expect.  Of course every school is different and each grade or class varies on what they hope to achieve at their open house.  I will outline what open house is based on my experience. 

Like I said before each school is different and times will vary, so make sure to check what time your open house will be.  When an entire school or school system has their open house on the same night and time, it can be difficult, so plan accordingly.  If you have more than one child, you probably have more than one classroom or even school to attend.  From my experience, if times are the same attend your youngest child's class first.  This will help in case they get over stimulated or get tired.  Open houses usually last a couple of hours.  You may think you want to try to get their early, which is sometimes wise for parking, however, your teachers may not be ready or even there yet.  From experience the last thirty minutes are more calmer then the first thirty minutes are.
*Tip*  Open houses are crowded, so immediate family only should attend (parents, child and sibling)
There should be signs and staff members who can help you locate your child's classroom.  Most classrooms will have a class roster outside the class in case you do not know which class your child will be in. 
There are usually at least 20 (few less or few more) students in a classroom, so there will probably be several other people in the room.  If the teacher/assistant teacher are busy you can look around.  Look for a welcome or instructional table.  Many classrooms have scavenger hunts for you and your child to participate in to help you locate things in the classroom.  Go ahead and get started, your teacher (should) come around and greet and talk with you.  If there is not an information sign or a scavenger hunt, look for your child's desk or table.  There probably will be a folder with lots of information on it for you to look at, fill out and return as well as things you need to take home.  Make sure you fill out and return any paper work immediately.  There will probably be a few forms that the school and teacher will ask you to fill out that night. 
Transportation is a biggie in kindergarten.  Make sure you write down or tell your child's teacher/assistant teacher how your child will be going home (bus rider, car rider etc).  This is probably one of the most important details you can give.  If your child will be riding a bus, make sure they have him/her signed up for that bus.  Teachers should have this information, but if they do not the school's bus coordinator will have it.  Usually, there is a place designated the night of open house to find out this information.  Check with your child's teacher first though before going to stand in those lines (they are long).  Many times parents will sign their child up for how they will be usually going home, which is perfect.  Just make sure that if your child is going home a different way that first day that you mark that down.  This is one thing teachers worry about on the first day of school......making sure those sweet babies get home the way they are suppose to. 
*Tip*  Take bulk or heavier supplies that will not fit in your child's book bag the night of open house.
Fees and accounts:
Your school may ask for a supply or an instructional fee.  You usually can pay it the night of open house or send it in with your child to school.  From experience I have found that open house goes more smoothly if fees are sent in with your child on their first day or within the first week of school.  School fees should be paid separately from cafeteria fees.  If you are writing a check for these, write for the fees and one for the cafeteria.  The cafeteria is a separate account and they do not go to the same place. 
*Tip* any money that you send to school should be placed in an envelope or sandwich baggie with the following information on it.
Child's name
child's teacher name
what the money is for
(do not put amount in case lost)
Put this envelope in your child's everyday folder that gets turned in each morning.  Instruct your child to leave the envelope in the folder that the teacher will get it.  Many times if the envelope is left in the book bag it will not get seen. 
Each student has his or her own cafeteria account number (for most schools).  This number should be written on any check that you write for your child's cafeteria account for lunch/breakfast/snack needs.  Check with the cafeteria at open house for information on prepaying on their account or signing up for prepaying online.  Many times there are discounts for prepaying for so many lunches. 
Tour the room:
After you have filled out the paperwork and got the transportation handled, walk around and look at the classroom.  If you had a scavenger hunt you may have had this opportunity all ready to look and locate areas around the room.  If not, look for and show your child where he or she will hang their book bag and coat.  Find their cubbies where they will most likely put papers and maybe their lunchboxes.  Show them where the bathroom is.  Be respectful of others and the teachers and do not allow your child/ren to play and or run around.  Do not let them play in the centers (unless teachers have said it is ok). 
Talk with the teacher/assistant teacher:
Most of the time in kindergarten your child will have two teachers.  Both teachers are very important to your child's education.  The main teacher and then the teacher assistant.  Talk with both of them and let them meet your child (their student).  Your child may be shy and want to hide.....this is very common.  Do not push it.  Allow your child to stand close to you as you finish talking to his or her teachers.  Ask any question or address any concern that you have.  Be mindful though, remember your child is not their only student and there are other parents there.  If you do not get to address all of your questions or concerns, you can always email or send a note in. 
*Tip* write your child's name on everything
If your child has a health issues or will be taking medicine at school make sure you speak with your child's teacher/teacher assistant and stop by and talk to the school nurse.  If your child has any allergies make sure to list them.  There will be forms that you will need to pick up and have your child's doctor fill out.  Any health plan should be discussed with all staff who will interact with your child. 
Time to go:
It is always a reunion at open houses.  Parents and students want to find out who will be in their class or whose class their neighbors or other friends have.  As humans, we are curious!!  Your older child may want to go visit past teachers (which teachers love).  Just limit their visit to a brief hello or hug and then off you go.  Do not take time away from current students or their families. 
Once you have completed everything and had a look around it is time for you to go.  Your open house experience should last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on what papers are filled out to how many classrooms (other places) you have to visit. 
This is an open house based on my experience.  Remember, all open houses vary.  I hope that these points have helped you and will make your kindergarten open house an easy success.
Remember to subscribe to my blog.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kindergarten Bulletin Board Ideas

Bulletin Boards
Your classroom just is not complete until those bulletin boards are up.  What purpose does your board have or need?  Below are some ideas to help get those creative boards ready to go.
Welcome To Our Class
This board should be located entering your room.  If you have a bulletin board in the hallway that you can use, this is the perfect place.  Even if you do not have an actual can use your door or the walls to create your message.  Just like the board pictured above, you can make it easily to fit outside your door or even on your door and make it vertical.  All you need is some black "bulletin board" paper, red boarder, letters and pictures.  Cutting back on printing (which we all should be doing)?  Use a white sharpie or gel pen and write your message and the names on the board.  If you question your handwriting, use a stencil. 
Here are a few other "Welcome" ideas I found on Bing images.
For a couple of years our classroom used the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom theme.  Our entrance to our room said
"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
(then our names) Welcomes You". 
 The students name were on the coconuts all over the palm tree.  We even had a coconut behavior chart...."I hope your coconut does not fall off the tree".
Bulletin boards are the time to get creative, the students love it!!  I always liked to create new ones each year.  Maybe your school has a bulletin board contest between the classrooms to see who has the most creative.  Invite in community members or other staff members from your county office to vote. 
I don't have a picture, but last year I created a Kindergarten Syllabus board for our hallway.  We displayed pictures and key words that described some of the "big" points to our year ahead. 
Here are a few more fun bulletin boards I have found.
Wow, this post has became all about just the "Welcome" bulletin board, I think I need to change the name of this post.  I guess I will be writing another post on various forms of boards.
If you want to share your boards with us please send me the link and I will post it.
I really hope you will take the time to sign up for blog.  Share and comment (nicely please).



Monday, August 19, 2013

Kindergarten supply list....visually

Visual School Supply List
You printed off the supply list for your kindergartner and you are ready to get started shopping.  There are so many options, what should I buy?  That is a question that many first time parents ask.  This will help answer some of those questions on what works well.  These are just suggestions and you should ask your child's teacher if they have specifics.  Let's get started!!
  • Standard Size Backpack (book bag):  The standard size backpack is 16" in length and 12" in width.  Anything bigger is to big for your child and would be a safety concern.  Anything smaller may not accommodate all of the things that are needed day to day.  Styles and materials vary as well does cost.  Picking out a backpack is one of those items that a child looks forward to picking let them pick one they really like.  From experience vinyl book bags do not last as long as the cloth ones.  Also, stay clear of purchasing roller backpacks.  Many schools do not allow them and are not really safe for small children. 
  •  Crayons:  Check your supply list for quantity needed.  Most of the time crayons come in many different numbers.  In the supply list I am using it is asking for a pack of 24.  There are many varieties of crayons as well as colors that are used.  From experience I have found that Crayola crayons have a more vibrant color and last longer.  However, this is based all upon preference.  Crayons are a staple of kindergarteners, so stock up.
  • Towel for rest time:  Beach towels work best since they are a little bigger than regular bath towels.  Let your little one pick out their favorite.  Having a special towel at rest time can help them with that process if they are a little nervous about it.  Your supply list may prefer rest mats instead of towels.  Please ask your teacher if you have any questions.  Also, practice folding and unfolding a towel, this can help your child so much. 
  • Headphones:  This one always had parents asking questions on which one to buy.  Your supply list may have a specific kind that your teachers want them to use.  From experience the best ones are the ones that are pictured below.  You can actually find them at the dollar store....they work great.  Good tip is to place these in a gallon size plastic zip bag and write your child's name on it. 
  • Pencil box:  There are many styles of pencil and crayon storage now.  Your supply list may be specific about what they would like for you to use due to space.  From experience a 5x8 plastic pencil box works best.  There is room for all of your child's "tools" for school.  You can find many of these in different colors and designs.  This is another item that you could let your child pick out.  Fun tip: If you cant find any fun designs or colors pick out a plain color and let your child decorate with stickers.  Just make sure to write your child's name on it with a Sharpie or other permanent marker.

  • Glue Sticks: So many different options here from sizes and color.    Your supply list may have a specific type they are looking for and quantity as well.  From experience, the glue sticks with the basic white glue are the best.  The larger sizes are easier for little hands to work with and last longer. 
  • Folders: Check your supply list for specifics and quantity.  The supply list I am using is asking for 2 plastic folders with pockets.  This is another item that ranges in variety.  There are SO many options.  Choose folders that have a sturdy plastic backing with inside  pockets on each side and three holes in the middle (with no brads).  Once you have found the sturdy folder let your child choose what color or design they want.....they love picking these out.  Below are the folders that, in my opinion, work better.  Write your child's name on folder (top right inside is a good tip)
  • Scissors:  Again, check your supply list for specifics.  Fiskars blunt tip scissors are really great for kindergarten, from my experience.  Stay away from scissors with points.  Choose your child's favorite color.  Test them out at home to get some practice in and write your child's name on the color part of handle going down to tip with permanent marker. 

Your supply list may have less or more items on it depending on school.  These are only suggestions of items that I have found that have worked well for students, parents and teachers over the years.  If you have an item on your list that you need help with please comment below and I will help anyway I can.  Good rule is to label EVERYTHING!!