It's Letterland Thursday!!
Today we start meeting the characters (letters).
Many schools learn the characters (letters) in different patterns. They may learn them in alphabetical order or in a different order. The school in which I worked, we taught in the order of how the letters were used in reading....the use. I somewhat remember that order, but for the sake of getting something mixed up....I am going to stick to alphabetical order.
Annie Apple
Meet Annie Apple!! Our leader of the Letterland Alphabet Parade.
It is obvious that Annie Apple is indeed an apple. She is red with a green stem. She lives in an apple tree. Annie Apple makes the short a sound.
The mark above the a is called a breve, which represents the short a sound.
A few CVC words with the short a sound:
bat, cat, flat, sat, mat
One way that teachers like to introduce Annie Apple is by having them picture code. Picture coding is the first introduction of all the letters. It helps the students to identify the character and letter).
The student then draws or colors Annie Apple exactly to how she looks in Letterland.
In our classroom we would choose several students pictures to place on our "apple tree" on our Letterland bulletin board.
(Letterland Bulletin Board is a whole other post in itself....I feel inspired for a new post).
The Letterland Curriculum has many different tools you can use to go along with your lesson. There are songs, books, and SmartBoard programs to help in your lesson. To learn more about this program and where you can purchase the materials visit the link below.
For helpful tips to others please leave them in the comments below.
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